With the work on the physical level one can reach the corporal fulfillment that opens the chance to work on an emotional and dpiritial level para alcanzar la plenitud corporal y así facilitar el trabajo emocional y espiritual

Masaje cuerpo completo 90 minutos 60€ la sesión
Masaje relajante de espalda y cara 60 minutos 45€ la sesión
Masaje cara, cabeza y cuello; 30 minutos 30€ la sesión
Masaje piernas y pies 30 minutos 30€ la sesión
During the massage, there is a restructuring of the body.
Los músculos que
han quedado tensionados se relajan. Las zonas con poco tono muscular
se activan.
The connective tissue (fascia) is repositioned after being deformed by poor posture, overexertion, and even emotions such as fear leave their mark on this tissue. Massage of the connective tissue (fascia) releases the armor that we have created for various reasons.
Un buen masaje
trabaja sobre lo energético. Ocurre que la energía que producimos
puede estancarse o estar sobreestimulada. El trabajo energético
consiste en equilibrarla y ayudarle a circular libremente.
With the work on the physical and energetic levels, bodily fulfillment is achieved, facilitating the possibility of emotional and spiritual work.
Para concertar cita 665 902 944
A good massage
With the work on the physical level one can reach the corporal fulfillment that opens the chance to work on an emotional and dpiritial level.
During the massage, the body gets restructured.
The muscles that have been stretched get relaxed. Areas with poor muscle tone get activated.
The connective tissue (now called fascia) is replaced after being deformed by bad positions, by overexertion, or even emotions such as fear that leave their mark on this tissue.
The massage of the conjunctive tissue (fascia) releases the armor that for various reasons we have been building.
A good massage works on the energetic level. It happens that the energy we produce may stagnate or turns out to be overstimulated. The energetic work consists in balancing it and to help it to circulate freely.
With the work on the physical and the energetic level one can reach the corporal fulfillment that opens the chance to work on an emotional and spiritual level.
To make an appointment
665/902/944 only whathsapp or sms
El bien
Vivir desde el bien
Vivir desde la intención de hacer el bien a quienes tienes cerca
Vivir desde la intención de hacerte el bien
Vivir desde la intención del bien universal
Disfrutar cuando ese bien te atraviesa
Carta a un hermano adolescente
El cerebro cuando aprendes algo te regala endorfinas, aprende y serás feliz.

Querido mío,
aprende, el cerebro
cuando aprendes algo te regala endorfinas, las sustancias que se
segregan cuando fumas marihuana o cuando te enamoras. Con las drogas
te da un subidón y después un bajón. El cuerpo se queda sin
endorfinas y aparece el mal humor y los estados chungos.
El cerebro te da endorfinas por aprender, aprende.
Tu capacidad intelectual está despuntando ahora puede aumentar un poco mas en los años siguientes y después decaerá. Einstein formuló su teoría de la relatividad con 26 años.
Busca algo que te
guste y estudia, aprende un oficio, practica un idioma nuevo, toca un
Igual que si ejercitas los músculos en un gimnasio éstos se desarrollan, si ejercitas el cerebro éste también se desarrolla. E igual que si los músculos están desarrollados podemos levantar mas peso si el cerebro está desarrollado puedes tomar mejores decisiones y ampliar tus posibilidades.
Letter to a teenage brother
The brain, when you learn something, gives you endorphins, so learn and you´ll be happy
My dear,
learn, the brain, when you learn something, gives you endorphins, the substances that are secreted when you smoke marijuana or when you fall in love. With drugs you get a high and then a low. The body runs out of endorphins and the bad mood and some foul inner states appear.
brain gives you endorphins from learning, so learn. Your intellectual
capacity is blunt now, it can increase a little more in the following
years and then it will decline. Einstein formulated his theory of
relativity at the age of 26.
Look for something you like and study it, learn a craft, practice a new language, play an instrument…
Just as same as if you exercise the muscles in a gym they get developed, if you exercise the brain it also develops itself. And as same as when the muscles are developed we can lift more weight if the brain is developed you will be able to make better decisions and to expand your possibilities.
Trabajo energético
Que nuestro organismo genera energía es un hecho innegable, energía eléctrica, magnética, calorífica, química, cinética...

La energía se condensa dando lugar a materia. Sí, la materia está hecha de energía.
Y esa materia conserva una vibración en las partículas subatómicas. Los electrones, protones y neutrones vibran.
El cuerpo humano además genera campos magnéticos sobre todo en el corazón y en el cerebro y otros puntos.
También producimos corrientes eléctricas principalmente en el cerebro, el corazón y los intestinos.
Los mensajes eléctricos recorren todo el cuerpo a través de los nervios y el tejido conjuntivo.
Hay investigaciones serias que avalan la existencia de vórtices energéticos (chakras) y canales de energía (meridianos).
El don del trabajador energético es ser sensible a la energía del otro cuerpo y desde esa percepción ayudar al paciente a recuperar el flujo energético saludable liberando bloqueos, extrayendo el exceso de energía o activando zonas con déficit.
Para concertar cita
Energetic Work
our organism generates energy is an undeniable fact, whether this
energy is electric, magnetic, thermal, chemical, kinetic…
Energy condenses into matter. Yes, matter is made out of energy. And that matter keeps a vibration in the subatomic particles. The electrons, the protons and the neutrons, they all vibrate.
human body also generates magnetic fields, specially in the heart but
also in the brain and in some other parts of the body.
We also
produce an electric current, mainly in the brain and in the heart,
the intestines and in other parts of the body.
messages travel throughout the body through the nerves and the
connective tissue.
are serious researches that support the existence of energy vortexes
(chakras) and energy channels (meridians).
gift of the one working with energy is to be sensitive to the energy
of the other body and, from that perception, to help the patient to
gain back a healthy energy flow by releasing blockages, extracting
excessive energy or activating areas that have deficits.
To make an appointment
665/902/944 only whatsapp or sms
Me quiero, me cuido, quiero y cuido, me quieren y me cuidan.

Sin querer decir que
hay algo enfermo en disfrutar viendo como tu compañero de sexo llora
y suplica. Sí, decir que yo me lo haría mirar por un terapeuta.
El amor es cuidar
del otro.
A mi el que ahora es
mi marido me dijo “yo cuidaré de ti”. Y en el silencio que se
abrió tras esa afirmación…
Yo quiero que me
cuiden y cuidar.
Desde luego no
quiero que me maltraten y fíjense que he asistido a este fenómeno
ahora convertido en moda.
Hubo un tiempo en
que en mi subconsciente yo creía merecer un castigo.
Ahora he crecido, me quiero, me cuido, quiero y cuido, me quieren y me cuidan.
I love myself, I take care of myself, I love and take care of others, so I get loved and cared.
Without even wanting to mention that there’s something sick about enjoying to watch your sex partner cry and beg. But yes, I would say that it deserves to be treated by a therapist.
To love
is to take care of the other.
To me,
the one who is now my husband, said «I will take care of you».
And, in the silence that came after that statement…
I want
to get cared and I want to take care.
course I don’t want to be mistreated, and notice that I’ve been
witnessing this phenomenon to become now a fashion.
was a time when in my subconsciousness I thought that I deserved
Now I have grown up, I love myself, I take care of myself, I love and take care of myself, so I get loved and cared.
Trabajo interior
Es un maravilloso y gratificante trabajo.
Le esperan sorpresas y sanaciones.
Nunca se arrepentirá de conocerse mejor.

vez un hombre en el que confío dijo con eso nuestro que no nos gusta
debemos de actuar como si fuesen nuestros hijos.
comenzar dejar de negárnoslo. A eso feo de nosotros hay que mirarlo
con amor…
adultos tenemos casi la obligación de mirar nuestro interior. ¿Cómo
crecer sino?
que esto no es fácil, a veces duele; no hay tiempo; vamos
prefiriendo llevar la vida de los demás; y entre todo eso la
familia, el trabajo, los amigos, compromisos y entretenimientos
varios vamos dejando atrás ese trabajo personal.
cuando la vida tiene un mensaje para nosotros y nos obcecamos en no
oírlo suele pasar que la vida nos lo dice mas fuerte y a menudo mas
queridos míos quiéranse y comiencen a poner luz en la oscuridad
Es un maravilloso trabajo.
Le esperan sorpresas y sanaciones.
Nunca se arrepentirá de conocerse mejor.
Inner work
It is a wonderful and rewarding job.
Surprises and healings are awaiting you.
You will never regret to know yourself better.
Once, a
man that I trust said that, to the part of us that we don’t like, we
must act as if we were dealing with our children. Starting with
stopping denying it to us. That ugly thing about us must be observed
with love…
adults we almost have the obligation to look inside ourselves. How
else can we grow? Of course this is not easy, sometimes it hurts;
there is no time; we prefer to lead the lives of others; and amid all
that, the family, the work, the friends, the commitments and a
variety of entertainments, we start leaving that personal work
when life has a message for us and we remain determined to not hear
it, it tends to happen that life begins to tell us this message in a
stronger and often more painful way.
So dear ones, love yourselves and start putting light into the inner darkness.
It is a wonderful job.
and healings are awaiting you.
will never regret to know yourself better.
El Mensaje de Dios
Dios envía su mensaje a los pueblos extraviados

Los judíos lo estaban mucho. Recibieron a Moisés (as)
La Roma decadente a Jesús (as)
Entre los árabes, gente dura, nació Mohamed (saws)
Los humanos afortunados en tener a los Profetas no tardan en volver a endurecer sus corazones.
Dios nos perdone!!
verdadero Mensaje es para toda la humanidad y no puede menos que
ablandar los corazones.
God’s Message
God sends His Message to the lost people.
The jews were very much like this. They received Moses (as)
Rome in its decay got Jesus (as)
Among the arabs, hard people, Mohammed (saws) was born.
Humans that are lucky to have the Prophets very soon harden their hearts again.
May God forgive us!
The true Message is for the whole humanity and can only soften the hearts.
Aceite para la piel
El principio activo de las cremas suele ser un aceite: rosa mosqueta, argan, oliva, onagra, coco.

Los aceites son
ideales para la hidratación de la piel. Eso sí sólo de noche, la
combinación de aceite y sol es nefasta.
El principio activo
de las cremas suele ser un aceite, rosa mosqueta, argan, oliva,
onagra, coco. Los demás ingredientes son tensoactivos para unir las
moléculas de aceite con una parte acuosa y conservantes necesarios
sólo porque hay agua y perfume y hasta alcohol. No puede ser bueno
poner alcohol en la fina piel de la cara. Además los aceites no
necesitan conservantes.
Prueba qué aceite se adecúa mejor a ti. Sólo o mezclado con agua de rosas de uso culinario.
Todos los nombrados arriba me gustan y creo que es bueno ir alternándolos. Cada aceite tiene sus beneficios, es un mundo amplio en el que profundizar para encontrar los que mejor se adaptan a ti.
Oil for the skin
The active ingredient of creams is usually an oil: from rosehip, argan, olive, evening primrose, or coconut.
oils are ideal for the hydration of the skin. But only in the night,
because the combination of oil and sun is nefarious.
active ingredient of creams is usually an oil from rosehip, argan,
olive, evening primrose, or coconut. The other ingredients are
surfactants to bind the oil molecules with an aqueous part and the
necessary preservatives only because there is water, and perfume, and
even alcohol. It cannot be good to put alcohol on the fine skin of
the face. In addition, oils do not need preservatives.
Try which oil can suit you the best. I like all the ones mentioned above and I think it’s good to alternate them. Each oil has its own benefits, it is a wide world to delve into to find those that suit you in the best way.
Cuando tengas una cita importante vístete con tejidos naturales.

Asisto asombrada,
estupefacta diría, a esta moda de envolvernos en plástico. La ropa
y el calzado del autoproclamado hombre civilizado son plástico!
Prueba a vestir con
algodón, lana, lino, seda, también con viscosa y rayón que aunque
menos poéticos son fibras fabricadas con restos de otras fibras
Estoy segura de que
notarás la diferencia
you have an important date, just dress in natural fabrics.
If you
have an important date, just dress in natural fabrics.
watching amazed, I would say in astonishment, to this fashion of
wrapping ourselves in plastic. The clothes and footwear of the
self-proclaimed civilized man are made of plastic!
Try to
dress cotton, wool, linen, silk, also viscose and rayon that,
although less poetic, are fibers made from traces of other natural
I’m sure you’ll notice the difference
With the work on the physical level one can reach the corporal fulfillment that opens the chance to work on an emotional and dpiritial level para alcanzar la plenitud corporal y así facilitar el trabajo emocional y espiritual

Masaje cuerpo completo 90 minutos 60€ la sesión
Masaje relajante de espalda y cara 60 minutos 45€ la sesión
Masaje cara, cabeza y cuello; 30 minutos 30€ la sesión
During the massage, there is a restructuring of the body.
Los músculos que
han quedado tensionados se relajan. Las zonas con poco tono muscular
se activan.
The connective tissue (fascia) is repositioned after being deformed by poor posture, overexertion, and even emotions such as fear leave their mark on this tissue. Massage of the connective tissue (fascia) releases the armor that we have created for various reasons.
Un buen masaje
trabaja sobre lo energético. Ocurre que la energía que producimos
puede estancarse o estar sobreestimulada. El trabajo energético
consiste en equilibrarla y ayudarle a circular libremente.
With the work on the physical and energetic levels, bodily fulfillment is achieved, facilitating the possibility of emotional and spiritual work.
Para concertar cita 665 902 944
A good massage
With the work on the physical level one can reach the corporal fulfillment that opens the chance to work on an emotional and dpiritial level.
During the massage, the body gets restructured.
The muscles that have been stretched get relaxed. Areas with poor muscle tone get activated.
The connective tissue (now called fascia) is replaced after being deformed by bad positions, by overexertion, or even emotions such as fear that leave their mark on this tissue.
The massage of the conjunctive tissue (fascia) releases the armor that for various reasons we have been building.
A good massage works on the energetic level. It happens that the energy we produce may stagnate or turns out to be overstimulated. The energetic work consists in balancing it and to help it to circulate freely.
With the work on the physical and the energetic level one can reach the corporal fulfillment that opens the chance to work on an emotional and spiritual level.
To make an appointment
665/902/944 only whathsapp or sms